Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Government announcement


The government has today released a statement proclaiming that the nation will keep the name Kaznia, regardless of other uses of the name. In other news, Kaznian reforms will be complete either on the 23rd or on the 30th 2007.

Saturday, 8 December 2007

Reforms half complete


The Government has today stated that reforms are half complete, the name of Kaznia has been changed to Borislavia due to a government official discovering that the name is (embarrassingly) already in use by "the super man animated series", Borislavia will however remember the name Kaznia, as it was the most popular, Borislavia had on 4th December changed its name to Bolkaria, a Borslavian province, the province of Bolkaria was also briefly renamed to Muskovia, then Borislavia was yesterday renamed to Muskovia and the province of Muskovia was renamed back to Bolkaria, then finally, the nation was renamed to Borislavia, there was some amusing proposals for a new name such as The Principality of Musorov, The Principality of Pereyaslavl,New Russia and West Russia. The country has also expanded, and merged with (what was known as) Baltisk province, the nation is now estimated as half the size of Liechtenstein. Other changes have taken place, but it is too many to list.

The new Borislanvian website is now being created, it is unknown when it will be ready.