Tuesday, 15 July 2008

The Vestochka Finance


The Vestochka has opened the "Vestochka Finance", a news company that tells the news regarding the Kaznian economy and the Musorov Stock Exchange. It will be owned by The Vestochka (thus being owned by the government) and will also have its HQ based in Musorov.

Kaznia prepares to open the "Independent Bank of Kaznia (IBK)". The IBK will act as similarly like the Musorov Stock Exchange but instead of being exclusive to only Kaznian companies, it will accept membership from recognised nations of Kaznia.

Saturday, 12 July 2008

Serov creates city logo


The city of serov (located in Stettin Region) has decided to create a city logo, the idea was inspired after Musorov created a logo.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

First nobility's are given


Today the government of Kaznia has awarded the following nobility's to:

. Count of Muskovia - S. Lovato
. Baron of Stettin - I. Dzyozhov

These people are the first in Kaznian history to receive a nobility.