Thursday, 22 November 2007

Kaznia plans for even more reforms


Kaznia is preparing for even more reforms over the upcoming weekend.

Other News
On 20th November 2007 Kaznia proposed to the NAFM plans for a possible "Development Council", the Development Council will help improve the member nations by offering advice and help. The NAFM presidency, currently Fristehen, has agreed to the proposal and has allowed the Development Council to be fully established on 24th November 2007.

Other News
Today, the government of Kaznia has declared every 26th November to be "National Aid Day". National Aid Day is when the Kaznian government and the Kaznian people give aid to charities, such as Oxfam and Cancer research etc. Kaznia is one of the first micronations to give aid to charities.

Other News
This article has been censored due to moderately classified material.