At approximately 10:00pm 11.05.2008, a ghost was sighted on a road between Isevolod and Tagil, it was sighted by the King and another member of the government. The ghost has been named "The mist of the Kurai Hills" or "The ghost of Turi Hill". The air was clear, no fog/mist , no wind, quite warm. The King was inside a car, as the car turned a corner, he and the minister of justice saw what looked like thick white mist that stretched across the road, as the car (with windows open slightly) moved through the "mist" a strong smell of burning flesh came about. The King and minister of justice have both dismissed the theory of it being smoke as it was too white and there was no other human activity between Isevolod and Tagil, no fire could be seen or heard, also if it was smoke coming from a fire, it would have been away from the fire, the mist was in one place, not moving. The idea of it being fog/mist has also been dismissed as it was much too dense to be mist/fog, there is also no water or marshy areas near Tagil. The King has planned the "Ghost Research Agency (GRA)" to be established soon. The corner on the road has since been named "Vaiduoklis Corner", Vaiduoklis is Lithuanian (a co-official language of Kaznia) for the word "ghost".
Kaznia to support the independence of The Democratic Peoples Republic of Bzan
The government supports the independence of Bzan from Licentia, The NAFM (currently under Kaznian leadership) is also supporting the independence of Bzan. As well as Kaznia and the NAFM, Cakeland also supports this, Kaznia has pledged its support if there is a conflict. Kaznia shall recognise Bzan as independent within the week.