The Head Quarters of KazWil International (based in Musorov) have today announced that KazWil International (KWI) will not be shutdown, however, the KazWil International branch in Wiltamshire will be. The closure of the Wiltamshire half of KazWil Inteternational is due to Wiltamshires official end on 3rd May by decree of its leader. KazWil International is now a fully owned Kaznian company. Kania has also retracted its recognition of Wiltamshire because of its official end.
Kaznian Expansion due soon
The expansion of Kaznias borders is long overdue. The plan has not been abandoned and will be put into effect soon. Also, Kaznia has been planning to reform its government into a type of federation/confederation which will consist of autonomouse regions, each of these autonomouse regions will specialise in a type of government and have its own unique laws. For example, a man in Kozov wants to smoke but cannot because of Kozov's laws, but he can move into Tamir to smoke.